
Thursday 1 January 2015

Happy New Year!

Hello and how's your hair today? It has been a very long while, and I do apologise. I've been so busy in university and various other life changing things that I havent had the time to update. But cutting to the chase - it's a new year, I've made some resolutions and keeping this up is one of them. So without further ado, here is my blog post!

Currently, I have my hair in long single twist braids, that look like something like this:

They're in braids mostly because I have exams and so its so much easier to maintain so I don't have to worry about my hair at all. Also, doing braids every now and then cause the hair grow because the strands are protected and there is so much less breakage (as long as you don't pull on the front as it will break those hairs).
As part of my new years resolutions I am growing my hair out down to elbow length, which I know will be no easy feat (especially as my hair is curly), but it's a challenge I've set myself for the next few years. I'm going to be testing out which products are best for hair growth (I already have my eye on mixed chicks' product range), and I really don't want to give up on this!
Since I have braids I thought I would post some pics of a few braids which I thought were lovely. (I don't own any of these pictures!)

Love her!

(make others stop and stare)

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