
Saturday 28 December 2013

Epilate my hairs...

Hello and how's your hair today? I hope you all have had a fantasic Christmas! As you may have been able to tell by the title of the post, today's post is about epilation :D. (That shouldn't be a smiley face actually).

So, for Christmas I asked for an epilator (amongst other things), and I didn't want an expensive one to start with in case I really didn't like it. I got a Remington corded one, and it's quite cute, very lightweight, inexpensive etc. I like the fact that its corded, because it means that it won't slow down making the sensation more painful as it as has constant power. Also, its small, and easy to hold, making it better for moving against the curves of your legs, etc. However you can't use it in the bathroom if there are no plugs (this is common in England).

My experience
Right, onto the actual plucking. Epilators have lots of little tweezers that pull out the hairs as it goes around, and so as you can imagine, is quite painful for the first time. When I did it, boy did my eyes water. Mine has two settings so if you want it to go even faster to lessen to time, you can. I can't lie, the first time was really painful, but as you epilate over again, its supposed to get better.
I shaved half my legs and let the rest grow long so I could see whether it would work better with short or long hair. I found that the long hairs were easily plucked out, whereas the machine found it harder to grip and pluck out the shorter hairs, and missed most of them (even though the instructions said it could pluck 0.5mm hairs).
All in all it was worth the pain, my legs were silky smooth but were a bit red after. My advice would be to do it the night before or a day before the first few times till your skin gets used to it. Also have a cool cloth nearby to place on your skin because it might need cooling down.

After I have gotten used to epilating with no hitches, I will probably invest in a more expensive one like Bruans, but until then, I will make do. Also, have cream or light oil for after epilating, but not something too thick or it will clog the holes that your hair is supposed to go through. Something like coconut oil or olive oil is good because they are easily absorbed and light.

Another very important thing is to exfoliate regularly (wait at least a day after epilating) so you don't get ingrown hairs (when the hair doesn't go through the hole and instead curls under the skin surface - causes red bumps). This is to clear dead skin and old creams that might be blocking the pores, so the hair can grow straight out. An advantage is that the hairs will take a good while to grow back, maybe 2-4 weeks and after a long time even stop growing back.

Hope you enjoy! (the pain *evil laugh hehehe*)
(make others stop and stare)

Sunday 8 December 2013

Missing the straight...

Hi, and how's your hair today? I must be totally honest, I'm missing my straight hair. I love my natural curls, but I've been no heat since late August and I miss my straighteners. I've had loads of support from friends ("If you straighten your hair, I'll cut it all off!") and I even gave my straighteners to one of my friends to resist the temptation, ("Give me your straighteners, you're not seeing them till prom!") so until late May, when our prom is, I will be curly wurly. However, to keep myself happy, I've dyed my hair various colours (red, brown, etc) and after my last dye mishap, [see last post here] I've resorted to using a brand that I know works.

This is the box -
(yes I have black curtains)
As you can see, it's a nice red/auburn colour, Red Hot Rhythm but the brand Soft Sheen Carson has got hydrogen peroxide in it. Some people have issues with using dye that has peroxide in it, but it's only a problem if you dye your hair alot.

Which I don't.

However, peroxide means that the dye will actually penetrate your hair and stay there, because the hair shaft is opened up and the colour is deposited. Which is why 'permanent' dyes that don't have hydrogen peroxide in them don't work with hair that isn't blonde unless you bleach your hair first (with hydrogen peroxide - see the irony?). So it's best to just use dyes with peroxide because you're subjecting your hair to the chemicals only once.

See my logic?

Anyway, I thought I'd make this post longer by putting up some hair styles that have straight hair. Since I miss my straight hair so much. *le sigh*.

Until next time, love y'all!!!
(make others stop and stare)

Thursday 21 November 2013

Corn them rows...

Hello and how's your hair today? As you could probably decipher, this post is about braids, and more specifically cornrows. I was inspired by the four cute half cornrows on the side of my head my mum did on my hair to compliment my curls :)

(kind of like this excpet smaller and my curls are tighter, and red)

My mum was inspired by Alicia Keys -

Who is just beautiful... Anyway, I decided to dig up some styles that involved braids and show them to you :*

Have a good day :***
(make others stop and stare)

Monday 7 October 2013

Dying It Curl Crazy....

Hello, and how's your hair today? I must apologise for my absence, I have been so busy since the start of school (I do the International Baccalaureate, if you don't know about it Google it, and then come crying back to me), and life has been pretty hectic. I have made a few decisions about my hair, and have gone for a completely different look. Sooo.....

First of all...

I dyed it all red. Like cherry red. I used Garnier Fructis something something... All I can say that the dye brand is not good. It was a permanent colour, and I was going from a blacky/browny/blond (I had it highlighted various colours) and on the box it said I would definitely go red. The application was easy, the instructions clear, and a lot came in the bottle - I only needed one and I have THICK long hair. Then it starts to go downhill...

 1) The colour took forever to wash out when I first dyed it, I was crouched over for a good 10 minutes just rinsing the dye out.

2) The parts where my hair was black did not dye at all. Which meant my roots were only tinted red (and that really annoyed me because it said on the box that going from black to red was fine).

3) In the shower when I washed my hair afterwards, the colour kept running - permanent dyes aren't supposed to do that, when you wash it out first time that's it. This especially irked me because it meant I couldn't go swimming without Vaseline smothered in hair to stop the colour running (not a good look).

4) As a result of the colour running, the parts where hair was blond before I dyed it are now ginger/orange. Some parts look chestnut, some parts are still cherry red, some parts are purple. However when I stand in direct sunlight, it looks like a vibrant red on all of the parts. So yeah.

Even though it looks nice, it wasn't what I paid for and the actual dye didn't do well. What annoys me even more is the fact that my friend dyed his hair exactly the same colour using Schwarzkopf from very dark brown to cherry red and it came out BEAUTIFUL. He dyed his the beginning of summer and up til now the colour has not changed at ALL and it's just aaahhh.

But anyway.

I have also decided to stop using my straighteners, until prom (JUNE PEOPLE, JUNE), which means I am a curly red head. And loving it. It's fun to change up your style once in a while and my head is just full of red/chestnut/ginger/(purple, according my dad and sister) curls. I guess it turned out okay, but dying can go so wrong if you don't use a trusted brand.

Moral of the story?
Change your look, go curly, and check your hair dye. Properly.

Much love,
(make others stop and stare)

Wednesday 14 August 2013

Dip and dye ;)

Hello and how's your hair today? As you can see from this title, today's post will be on dip dying! I dye dyed my hair last week a really dark red colour on my brown hair. It was semi-permanent because I didn't want to damage my hair. This is the box I used -
And this is the colour it came out -

Maybe a bit darker. But I didn't mind, because it came out a more subtle red, not HEY EVERYONE I'M HERE kind of red. My dad liked it so much that he said I should dye my whole hair that colour for September. I think so too even though I like having two colours in my hair. So I thought "what would be a great colour scheme that is really nice, but is alright for school (cause you know how the British school system is)". So I was cruising through Google images and I had an epiphany! I'll dye it a dark red (like the photo above - maybe darker), and then dip dye it a dark purply-plum colour. It won't be in your face but more of a subtle colour change that you'll notice first glance. I'm really excited and promise to upload a picture :D

I thought I would put up some really good dip dyes that I saw on the internet for those looking for inspiration ;)

(You guys must have heard of Luanna Perez, love her hair and fashion designs!)

(seems to me whatever hairstyle she does she looks gorgeous)

(don't really like how the yellow contrasts the white but it's creative)

(I like it because it's a dark purple and compliments her dark hair)

(So cute! I LOVE it <3 p="">

(So pretty, I love the colours)

(something similar but blonde)

(I like how the colours aren't so bright)

(I love this, the white tips are quite original because I haven't seen this colour scheme before)

I hope you like these, and when I do mine I'll put up a picture :)

Love y'all xxxxxxx
(make others stop and stare)

Friday 19 July 2013

Keeping it COCONUTY...

Hello, and how's your hair today? I'm sorry I haven't able to post in a while, school has been pretty busy with university open days, a trip to the Alps (it was sweltering!!!!), and MASSES of coursework. However, unusually for England, the weather has been consistently warm for past couple of weeks and you know what that means....


Yeah, I get a bit over excited. But finally the time has come to whip your legs out, get your tan on, and enjoy the sunshine.

I'm also doing a post on COCONUT OIL. From my past experiences, coconut oil and I haven't been friends. I first used it during winter to protect my hair from the harsh effects of the cold and wind. I knew it was a good natural resource for hair because of it's properties - it's light, and when used in small amounts doesn't look greasy. It's gives your hair lovely natural shine, and is good for taming frizzy, dry locks.

However, this only happens in the SUMMER.

Obviously, coconut oil is solid at room temperature but it doesn't take a lot for it to melt. So, I melted some in my hands, spread it through my hair (which looked lovely and shiny) and went outside to go meet my friends. LITERALLY TWO SECONDS after I stepped outside my hair... looked hard and STIFF. I was so shocked! (And very worried, I wanted to scream but I was on the bus and it's weird to scream on a bus in England). When I got home, I washed my hair (with Vo5 shampoo and conditioner) and put the container of oil at the back of my drawers - to be touched never again.

(This is the brand I use, it's also edible!)

However - it's summer now and I happened to notice the coconut oil had melted in the heat of my room, and since my hair was looking a little dry, I decided to dip my fingers in. I was quite astonished to find that my hair looked and felt so silky and healthy afterward (especially after my previous experiences) that even my mum asked me what I did to my hair. I was ecstatic! Then I realised that this was happening because the weather was so hot, and that the coconut oil would stay melted and liquidy (I know that's not a word) in my hair, resulting in it being so nice.

So, I've decided to keep using it for the duration of the summer, (it makes a good heat protection oil too). Although you can't use too much or hair will look greasy/wet and no one wants that!

Love y'all xxxxxxxxx
(make others stop and stare)

Sunday 19 May 2013

Absolute Detox...

Hello and how's your hair today? I have good news... I'm joining the NO POO MOVEMENT. I'm going to put my hair through a lot of stress soon as I want to texturize, dye my hair all brown then dip dye it. This will obviously do plenty of damage so I'm going through a strengthening (no poo) phase - I'm not going anywhere near my straighteners, I'm not using any hair or skincare products that contain chemicals - I'm going all natural. Here's a list of products and habits I've ejected, and what I've replaced with. I'm detoxing my body completely so I can be ready and look fabulous for the summer!!!


As we all know, shampooing isn't really good for your hair. It strips away all the good oils, and if you shampoo often, your hair will get greasier quicker as it is trying to compensate for lost oils. I've taken out shop shampoo completely, and reduced the amount of times I wash my hair to once a week. Your hair will feel horrible at first, but then it will balance itself out after a while. I've made my own shampoo recipe which is all natural using shea butter and castile soap (so lovely, Google it!), and you will feel the difference ever a period of time.


I hope you guys are moisturizing your hair, even if it's with a part water mixture (at the very least). If you aren't doing so, I might break down and cry for you. It is so important to moisturize your hair as it protects the hair shaft from heat damage and makes you hair smoother and glossier. I rub a small amount of cocoa/shea butter, or any good natural oils I have and rub through my wet hair after washing. When I blow dry, the oil is spread evenly and gives my hair a fabulous shine :)


I've already done a post on this but I cannot stress enough how important it is to do this regularly  Every other time I wash my hair I do this and will make such a difference. (Click here to see post)


I recently bought some Sally Hansen Hard As Nails Treatment, it's so good and I've seen such an improvement over a few weeks. Check it out, and along with regularly creaming your hands, cuticles and nails, your nails will be strong and sturdy in just a few weeks (no word of a lie, please believe me).


Believe me when I say I love food. It's amazing, and tasty and just all things wonderful. However I've had to put aside my favourite snacks for a while and take up some good healthy eating. It's good to detox and clean out your body - from the inside.

 I've started to eat fruits and porridge for breakfast (see photos) and you might not notice a change at first, but then after a few weeks you will notice your hair being shinier, your skin healthy and have a glow, and feel all round fabulous. It's so worth it people, so put the chocolate away ;)

Hope you guys are able to carry this out, and your motivation should be that hot summer bod!
Check y'all later ;)
(make others stop and stare)

Thursday 4 April 2013

Night nurse...

Hello and how's your hair today? I know I said I wouldn't post till after my exams, but I couldn't keep this to myself - I would feel so terribly selfish. My post title is inspired by my topic today: DEEP OVERNIGHT CONDITIONING. When I tell you this method works like magic, believe me.

So it's self explanatory - you leave conditioner in your hair overnight, and the next day you wash it out. But the trick is what you are using to condition. Here were my ingredients;

A tablespoonful of avocado
3 tablespoons of honey
10 tablespoons of sunflower oil (we had run out of olive)
5 tablespoons of baby oil
1 egg

Because it's an overnight condition, you want it to be oil based as a watery one (more avocado and less oil) would evaporate in the night, leaving you with dry, crusty hair. I talk from experience.

Rub the mix into your hair very well, and try and use as much of it as you can. The more of it you rub in, the better it will be!

Wrap your hair with cling film, but use no hair bands or clips, then put a shower cap over it. Then wrap a light scarf around your head to secure everything in place.

The next morning your hair will be greasy, but well moisturized. Wash out in the shower, DO NOT USE SHAMPOO, you can use conditioner to wash out if you must. Try not to scrub out the oil.

Blow dry hair before straightening (I've learnt that straightening your hair from wet isn't good for it at all, your hair becomes brittle, but the blow drying softens it).


You have beautiful hair!

This is perfect for occasions such as parties, prom, etc. You can also do this during the day for a few hours, and if you prefer more of a water based mix, then this is the perfect time to do it. Also, I have another exciting post coming up about hair growth! I actually think I've cracked it!!!! 

(make others stop and stare)

Thursday 14 March 2013

IB studying...

Hello and how's your hair today? I'm back from my trip to Belgium and I must say it was soooo good! I'm going to miss my exchange partner and all the others but we're definitely going back in the summer the to see them again :) The reason for my title is because I do the IB (International Baccalaureate, look it up) and we have our exams in April, which is next month. I'm going to do a post on styles which are creative enough but not too jazzy for school. Enjoy!

Unfortunately due to these exams, I will have to take a short break from my blog. I will be back in April but if I have spare time I'll do a short blog or two ;) 

(make others stop and stare)

Friday 22 February 2013

Bad Religion...

Hello and how's your hair today? Post name was inspired by Frank Ocean's song, it's been stuck in my head for ages. Even though it's been snowing and raining and being crazily windy as per usual in England, my hair has managed to stay fab and frizz-free (because of the fabulous keratin treatment I did, check out the post). It's coming to the end of half term, so it means back to school, studying, exams, stress BUT I did go to London Fashion Weekend on a mother/daughter day out. It was really fun, and I was || this close to convincing my mum to buy me these Levi shorts but alas. She didn't.
Today's styles are based on long hair. It's still cold so having your hair down is a plus bonus to keeping warm, but it can be a lot of effort doing it everyday so here are some simple long styles :)

I'm glad however, as I'm only at school for 4 days then it's off to BELGIUM!!!!!!!! I'm seeing my exchange partner again so it's all very exciting to see what differs over there from here. Also I need to get my hair done again but I'm not sure what style this time... 

Love y'all
(make others stop and stare)