
Tuesday 14 April 2015

Travel me out...

Hello and how's your hair today? I recently came back from a trip around Europe with my best mates and I have to say it was one of the best experiences of my life. One thing I had to think about was my hair (obviously). Because we were travelling to many places we had those over sized backpack things to carry all our stuff, and as a result I couldn't carry all my hair tools that I normally use. Essentially all I had was shampoo, conditioner and leave in.
That's it.

I didn't struggle however, and let my hair do as it pleased during the course of the trip and it was quite refreshing to just have my natural hair with no braids or twists of any kind. I do have some advice however on travelling with hair that needs constant management or even hair that is easy to deal with.

1) Wash your hair the day before you travel. Obviously this lengthens the amount of time you have before you have to wash it again without all your accessories.

2) Buy empty mini containers. One thing I wish I did, was go to my local drugstore and buy those sets of tiny empty bottles and tubs so I could put hair gel and moisturizer with me. I had to bring my entire tub of leave in when I could have just dished a small amount into a container with me. Also I could have had other products with me.

3) Bring hair bands. You wouldn't believe how many times I've forgotten mine.

4) Keep your styles as simple as possible. You won't have all the stuff you normally use with you, and you're probably going to be busy with the wonderful place you're visiting. You don't want to be wasting time with your hair.

5) Take a hat! Hats will hide any bad hair day on your trip and also help tame your locks. I forgot I had brought mine and almost cried with relief when I saw it halfway through the trip.

I didn't have a terrible time as I went to cities mostly, (apart from Switzerland) so the humidity didn't get me. However, I am travelling to hot countries in the summer and so shall be prepared this time!

Love y'all
(make others stop and stare)

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