Today's post is about hair dye! I was inspired by my nails (I think I might do a nail post one day of all my creations), and even though I've never dyed my hair before, I've always wanted to do it - my parents won't allow me - and I have gone and researched hair dye for those of us who can.
There are lots of different styles that you can do, and I'll go through them so you can see what would suit you as an individual.
Highlights and Lowlights:
Highlights are marvelous things, if you don't want to go 'Full Monty' and dye everything, then you can dye strands/parts. If you have pixie short hair I think it looks especially nice. My primary school teacher had short light brown hair, but had highlights ranging from light cream to dark brown and she looked so pretty :).

I think that if you have shoulder length or a bob, it won't really suit because in my opinion that length is supposed to be a sleek block colour. Also, don't just dye it random colours - if you have blonde hair, go for shades of brown... not purple or red. If you have black hair, then you can go for purple or red... not blonde.
Dip Dying:
Dip dying has been the rage of summer 2012 and to be honest, it looks quite nice... on some people... with some certain colour combinations. For example, if you have wood brown hair, dying it bright pink is just not the way forward. However black or blonde would suit it so much better and would look so much nicer. I reckon that people with blonde hair can get away with almost any colour they want because it just suits (lucky them) and white/cream/blonde/yellow (yes I saw a lady with yellow hair once, it looked like Goldilocks) is just an easily match able colour. Just get advice first because you don't want to look like you had an accident with Crayola.
(This isn't fully dip dyed, but I think it looks so pretty)
Complete Dyeing
Change is good, and a new look is always fab. Unless it goes wrong, then you've got problems. However, you shouldn't dye your hair too much. I knew of a girl who dyed her hair so much, she had a new colour every week and her hair started falling out She had a bald patch in the middle of her head and her hair is very thin and weak. Moral? Don't dye your hair too much. And if you're ginger, please don't dye your hair, I looovvee ginger hair!! I have found that ginger people have really nice thick healthy hair more often than not and I just think its soooo beautiful :)
Love y'all
(make others stop and stare)
p.p.s I got the Crayola quote from my marvelous friend Dele. Quite a funny guy.
i love dip dying! cute blog, glad I found it :) following you, follow back if you'd like!
Thank you very much, following you back!