Round Hair Brush
These brushes are generally for people with thinner hair, as they provide curls and volume. If you are back combing too, these brushes are the best as they create volume without knotting your hair too much. There are the plastic ones with the little tiny balls on top, and there are the fibre-y looking ones. The fibre ones are better for people with thin hair as they are more gentle, and tend to brush smoother so your hair is left looking more bouncy and soft.
Paddle Hair Brush
If you want smooth flat long hair, as opposed to hair with plenty of volume, then the paddle brush is for you. It's perfect if you want your hair to be long, straight, and sleek and smooth. Obviously you can get the ones with the no, or little balls on top, but the ones without balls aren't as gentle on your scalp and the ones with balls are harder to clean.
(I just love this brush! I'm ordering off Amazon!)
Half-Radial Hairbrush
I'd never knew what the name was for this one till I did my search, and it's one we all know. They are perfect for creating flicks at the end of your hair, and combing knotty hair. This brush is also perfect if you have thick hair because it's strong enough to take your tresses on, but also gives it a beautiful wavy texture as it doesn't smooth your hair right down. (Also a good brush for when you wake up in the morning.)
Military Hairbrush
The name basically gives the description - if you want the slicked back, polished off look, then this is the brush for you. Also if you have extreme think hair like an afro and you want to get it smoothed right down with a bit of gel, then this brush is for you.
Electric Brushes
I have a brush that has a built in flow of hot air, and you wrap your hair around it. You hold it there for a few seconds then press this button which allows the brush to spin, creating a voluminous effect and you get curls too without having to use a wand or high heat. I don't have a picture, but I'll see if I can find one, or take a picture of mine. Electric brushes are good because they also give your hair a fluffy light texture, but as always too much heat isn't good for your hair.
Anyway, so I got my hair trimmed and my eyebrows threaded, and it hurt like heck! It all paid off though because now my brows are beautifully shaped and my hair has no split ends which means it can now grow healthier! That gives me an idea for a post... hmmm...
(make others stop and stare)
p.s 3 weeks and 5 days till Jamaica!!!!
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